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*通讯作者,chens娜cau. edu. cn
脂含量都较高的椭圆栅藻GSceuedesmus ovalternus)、雷氏衣藻}Chlamydomouas reauhardaa)和蛋白核小球藻
}Chlorella pyreuoadosa)3株微藻,研究了光照、温度、pH,碳源、氮源及不同水平碳氮源组合对其比生长速率和
280C >椭圆栅藻和蛋白核小球藻最适pH为7,而雷氏衣藻最适pH为9>葡萄糖和尿素分别为这3种微藻的
最适碳源和氮源。从油脂产率方面考虑,椭圆栅藻的最佳碳、氮源组合为:30 g/L葡萄糖和2.1 g/L尿素;蛋白
核小球藻的最佳碳、氮源组合为:40 g/L葡萄糖和2.1 g/L尿素;雷氏衣藻则为:30 g/L葡萄糖和1.2 g/L尿素。
雷氏衣藻和蛋白核小球藻的SL发酵试验表明,与摇瓶培养相比,发酵培养时间由7d缩短为5 d}ODS},n,,分
别可达61.2和59.9,而且2株微藻生物量干重分别由11.2 g/L和8.8 g/L提高到26.58 g/L和20.19 g/L,油脂
含量分别由20.3%和17.2%提高到23.2%和20.1,油脂产率分别由0.3248 g/L/d和0.2162 g/L/d提高到
1.2333 g/L/d和0.8112 g/L/d。本研究结果表明,从天然水域分离、筛选得到的两株微藻雷氏衣藻吓乃·蛋白核
小球藻(Y9)经过发酵条件优化控制油脂产率分别可达1.2333 g/L/d和0.8112 g/L/d,有望应用十利用微藻制
Screen and Fermentation Optimization of Microalgaes with High Lipid
He Guoqiang  Deng Zhiping  Tao Li  Chen Sanfeng}
State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology, College of Biology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
*Corresponding author, chensf亘cau.edu.cn
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7968.2010.06.003
Abstract  The aim of this study is to isolate microalgae strains with high lipid productivity from natural water
area, and to optimize the fermentation conditions which is the basis for industrial production of biodiesel.
Seventeen microalgaes were isolated and cultivated from a variety of fresh habitats, then identified according to
their morphological characteristics. A comparison stu街was made among 11 species based on biomass, lipid
Content and lipid productivity. Three strains Sceuedesmus ovalternus, Chlorella pyreuoadosa and Chlamydomouas
reauhardaa with highest biomass and lipid content were seleced to stu街the optimal growth conditions including
light, pH, temperature, carbon, nitrogen, and combinations of different levels of carbon and nitrogen sources. Our
data suggested the three microalgaes grow faster and at the same time had higher lipid productivity when cultured
with adding glucose in the dark. The optimal temperature for the three microalgaes was 280C.The optimal pH for
S. ovalternus and C. pyreuoadosa was 7.0, and for C. reauhardaa was 9.0. Glucose and urea were the optimal carbon
source and nitrogen source for the three algaes, respectively. Considering microalgal lipid productivity, the best
carbon and nitrogen sources combinations for S.  ovulternu.s were 30 g/L glucose and 2.1 g/L urea; for C.
pyrenoado.su were 40 g/L glucose and 2.1 g/L urea; and for C. reanhurdaa were: 30 g/L glucose and 1.2 g/L urea. C.
reauhardaa and C. pyreuoadosa were tested for fermentation in 5-liter fermenter. Compared with the fermentation
using shake flask, fermentation time reduced from 7 d to 5 d and cell density of C. reauhardaa and C. pyreuoadosa
achieved were 61.2 (ODS} ,v) in 118 h and 59.86 (ODS} ,v) after 5 days. Beside the two microalgae biomass of dry
weight increased from 11.2 g/L and 8.8 g/L to 26.58 g/L and 20.19 g/L, respectively; lipid content from 20.3%and
17.2% to 23.2% and 20.1%, respectively; and lipid productivity from 0.3248 g/L/d and 0.2162 g/L/d to 1.2333
g/L/d and 0.8112 g/L/d, respectively. According to the results, through the optimization of fermentation conditions,
the lipid productivity of microalgaes Y7, Y9, isolated and screened from natural waters, can reach 1.2333 g/L/d
and 0.8112 g/L/d, which are expected to apply in the industrialization for biodiesel production.
Keywords  Microalgae, Lipid, Biodiesel, Fermentation test
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