推广 热搜: 氨基酸  柠檬酸  发酵  味精  色氨酸  维生素C  葡萄酒  维生素  微生物发酵  头孢 


   日期:2012-04-24     浏览:3685    评论:0    
核心提示:第31届国际生物科学暨生物产业大会第二轮通知第31届国际生物科学暨生物产业大会(英文:31st IUBS GA and Conference of Biologi




31届国际生物科学暨生物产业大会(英文:31st IUBS GA and Conference of Biological Sciences and Bioindustry)将于201275-9日在中国苏州召开。会议由国际生物科学联合会(IUBS)、中国科学院生命科学与生物技术局和国际合作局、中国科学技术协会国际联络部主办。国际生物科学联合会中国国家委员会(CCIUBS)、中国科学院动物研究所、植物所、遗传与发育所、国际动物学会和苏州市吴中区人民政府承办。














l  气候变化生物学

l  生物多样性

l  基因组与进化

l  野生动物疫病

l  生物入侵

l  生物能源

l  生物产业

l  遗传资源获取与共享

l  世界遗产与保护地管理

l  合成生物学

l  纳米生物学

l  干细胞与再生医学

l  气体传导生物学

l  生物计算

l  生物伦理与生物学教育


l  生物医药

l  生物能源

l  生物材料

l  医疗器械设备、科研仪器、耗材与试剂


本次会议规模计划为800-1000人左右。其中,国际代表300-400人左右,主要来自澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、智利、克罗地亚、捷克、丹麦、厄瓜多尔、芬兰、法国、德国、匈牙利、印度、冰岛、以色列、日本、黎巴嫩、墨西哥、摩纳哥、荷兰、新西兰、挪威、波兰、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯、南非、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、英国、美国等国际生物科学联合会会员国家,以及70多个分布在世界各地的科学会员组织代表。目前,国际生物科学联合会主席、意大利科学家Giorgio Bernardi教授、挪威科学院院士Nils Chr. Stenseth教授和中国科学院院士周忠和教授,已确认参加会议,并作大会主旨发言。
















Giorgio Bernardi  国际生物科学联合会(IUBS)主席

李家洋  中国科学院 副院长


John Jungck  国际生物科学联合会(IUBS)副主席

张知彬  中国科学院生命科学与生物技术局 局长



陈宜瑜  国家自然科学基金会主任

John Buckeridge 国际生物科学联合会(IUBS)前主席


Jean-Marc Jallon  国际动物科学学会主席

薛勇彪  中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所所长









































地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号中国科学院动物研究所C506




为避免差错,汇款后请及时联系通知大会组委会进行确认。邮件联系地址: iszs2012@gmail.com 传真或电话:+86-10-58841355


1.  国内代表请通过填写"会议注册表"通过电子邮件发至大会秘书处注册。


2.  疑问咨询:iszs2012@gmail.com   




    负责人:熊文华博士 韩春绪博士

地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号中国科学院动物研究所C506


会议联系人:王 敏

联系电话:010-58841355    传真:010-58841355

E-Mail: iszs2012@gmail.com

 Symposia on Biological Sciences

As the only international body that covers all disciplines of biological sciences, the IUBS hosts and organizes international symposia in tandem with its GA so as to provide an opportunity for the international biological community to exchange information, discuss interdisciplinary studies and promote international collaboration in scientific research programs. Topics are selected on the basis of originality and feasibility, as well as their relevance with respect to the IUBS mission.


Tentative Sessions and Invited Speakers


Plenary Lectures: 

  1. Giorgio Bernardi: Evolution in the genomic era (Confirmed)

  2. Zhonghe Zhou: Evolution as a scientific theory: evidence from remarkable Chinese fossils (Confirmed)

3. Deliang Chen: Grand challenge in Earth System with a focus on climate (Confirmed)

  4. Nils Chr. Stenseth: Ecological effect of climate change (Confirmed)


Session 1: Climate Change Biology + IUBS/ISZS BCGC Program + iCCB

  Organizers: 1) Zhibin Zhang, Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed)

2)Nils Stenseth, Professor, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, Norway (Confirmed)

  Speakers: 1. John Buckeridge: Barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica) - tenacious opportunists who have demonstrated extraordinary adaptive resilience to environmental change (Confirmed)

2. David Nogués-Bravo: Why we do not have mammoths in our backyard? Species extinctions under climate change (Confirmed)

3. Xinhai Li: Applying species distribution models in climate change studies (Confirmed)

4. Hari Sharma: Biological consequences of climate change on arthropod diversity, pest management, and food security (Confirmed)

5. Brian Helmuth and Mackenzie Zippay: Forecasting sublethal impacts of climate change in marine ecosystems: sometimes the details make all the difference (Confirmed)

6. Morley SA, Bates AE, Peck LS: Using range limit hotspots to predict physiological response to climate change (Confirmed)

7. Tom Oliver: Promoting resilience or accommodating change? Aims for site and landscape management under a changing climate (Confirmed)

8. David B. Wake: Direct and Indirect Effects of Anticipated Climate Change on Amphibians (Confirmed)

9. Thomas E Martin: Climate change influences on trophic interactions that affect breeding bird and plant communities

10. Mikael Forteilus (Confirmed)

11. Greg Dietl (Confirmed)

12. David Polly (Confirmed)

13. Jussi Eronen (Confirmed)


Session 2: Genomics and Evolution + IUBS Integrative Genomics Program

  Organizers: 1) Song Ge, Professor, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed)

2) Hiroyuki Takeda, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo, Japan (Confirmed)

3) Giorgio Bernardi, Professor, Laboratory of Theoretical Biology and Bioinformatics, Biology Department, Rome 3University, Italy (Confirmed)

  Speakers: 1. Reski Ralf: Shedding light on 500 million years of plant evolution: a tribute to Dobzhansky

2. Daniel Hartl: Evolvability in Sequence Space (Confirmed)

3. Wen-Hsiung Li: Avian Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics (Confirmed)

4. Hiroyuki Takeda: Epigenetic regulation of key developmental genes - A genome-wide approach in the medaka fish (Confirmed)

5. Wen Wang: Genome evolution under natural or artificial selection (Confirmed)

6. Norman Y. S. Woo: Distribution and expression studies on aquaporin-1 (AQP-1) and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) in silver sea bream (Confirmed)

7. Jian-Dong Li: Regulation of Inflammation and Host Defense – from Genomics to Therapeutics (Confirmed)

8. Song Ge: Genome-wide patterns of divergence during sympatric speciation: A case study in two wild rice species (Confirmed)

9. Giorgio Bernardi (Confirmed)

10. Chung-I Wu (Confirmed)

11. Huanming Yang (Confirmed)

12. Takashi Gojobori (Confirmed)

13. Rod Wing (Confirmed)


Session 3: Nature Heritage, Protected Area and Conservation + IUBS Biology and Traditional Knowledge Program

  Organizers: 1)Song Wang, Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed)

2)Yan Xie, Associate Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed)

3)Jan Salick, Senior Curator and Professor, Missouri Botanical Garden, USA (Confirmed)

4)John MacKinnon, Head, Visibility and Awareness, Europe-China Biodiversity Program (ECBP)(To be confirmed)


Session 4: Paleontology and Evolution

  Organizers: 1) Zhonghe Zhou, Professor, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed) 

 2) Else Marie Friis,Professor,Swedish Museum of  Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden (Confirmed)

  Speakers: 1. Guido Grimm: Phylogenetic tools in reconstructing past evolutionary patterns (Confirmed)

2. Mike Benton: Dating the tree of life: combing paleontology and molecular phylogenetic inference (Confirmed)

3. Stefan Bengtson: Radiation of early multicellular life: Biotic and environmental setting (Confirmed)

4. Shuhai Xiao: Ediacaran biodiversity: Biological evolution and environmental evolution (Confirmed)

5. Renbin Zhan and Jiayu Rong: Major macroevolutionary events and their dynamics between 480 Ma and 400 Ma of Earth history: Evidences from South China (Confirmed)

6. Jason Hilton: Phylogenetic and environmental aspects of early seed plant radiation (Confirmed)

7. Min Zhu: Evolution and early radiation of jawed vertebrates (Confirmed)

8. Per Ahlberg: Integrated morphological-molecular research in the study of early vertebrate evolution (Confirmed)

9. Shuzhong Shen: How rapid was the biggest biological mass extinction during the Phanerozoic? (Confirmed)

10. Jin Meng: Developmental and paleontological evidence converges on evolution of the mammalian middle ear (Confirmed)

11. Xing Xu: Origin and evolution of birds: combining paleontological and developmental evidence (Confirmed)

12. Else Marie Friis and Kaj Raunsgaard Pedersen: The enigma of angiosperm origin (Confirmed)

13. Greg Wilson: The adaptive radiation of multituberculate mammals before the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs and tracking the rise of angiosperms (Confirmed)

14. Meemann Chang: Ascent with modification: fossil fishes show adaptation to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau (Confirmed)

15. Caroline A.E. Strömberg: The spread of grassland ecosystems during the Cenozoic: A story of co-evolution? (Confirmed)

16. Diane Edwards: Global environmental effects of the colonization of the land in the Palaeozoic (Confirmed)

18. Pavel Yu Parkhaev: Early Radiation of Mollusca (Confirmed)

19. Gareth Nelson: Biogeography as a tool in evolutionary studies (to be confirmed)


 Session 5: Biodiversity and Conservation Biology

  Organizers: 1)Keping Ma, Professor, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed)

2)Jeffrey McNeely, Former Chief Scientist, IUCN, Swaziland (Confirmed)


Session 6: Mutualism and Evolution

  Organizers: 1) Jin Chen, Professor, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (To be confirmed)

2) Zhishu Xiao, Associate Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed) 

  Speakers: 1.Provorov Nikolay A: Application of symbiotic models to resolve the urgent problems of evolutionary biology (Confirmed)

2. Manuel Nogales: Long-distance movement of seeds to and between oceanic islands: revising paradigms of plant syndromes and mechanisms of dispersal by animals (Confirmed)

3. Rhett Harrison (Confirmed)

4. Michael A Steele (Confirmed)


Session 7: Wildlife Diseases

  Organizers: 1) Hongxuan He, Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed)

2)Dale Nolte, Assistant Coordinator, National Wildlife Disease Program, Wildlife Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture, USA (Confirmed)

  Speakers: Santiago Merino Rodríguez: Interactions between hemoparasites-vectors and wild birds


Session 8: Biological Security

  Organizers: 1) Jianghua Sun, Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed)

2)Alain Rogues, Professor, French National Institute for Agricultural Research, France (Confirmed)

  Speakers: 1. Andrea Battisti: New automatic methods for detecting quarantine pests and diseases (Confirmed)

2. Alain Roques: Insect invasions in Europe and vulnerability of European tree species (Confirmed)

3. Jianqing Ding: Evolved defense to herbivory in invasive plants (Confirmed)

4. Jianghua Sun: Mutulastic invasion - a case study (Confirmed)


Session 9: Bioenergy

  Organizers: Jian Xu, Professor, Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed)

  Speakers: 1. Greg Mitchell: (Confirmed)

2. Edward Bayer: (Confirmed)

3. Qiang Hu: (Confirmed)

4. Wei Huang: (Confirmed)


Session 10: Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge

  Organizers: 1) Dayuan Xue, Professor, College of Life and Environmental Science, Minzu University of China; Chief Scientist on Biodiversity, Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science, Ministry of Environment Protection of China (Confirmed)

2) Chee Yoke Ling, Director and law expert, the Third World Network, located in Malaysia  (Confirmed)

  Speakers: 1. Gurdial Nijar: Implementing the Nagoya Protocol on ABS: Issues and Challenges for Developing Countries (Confirmed)


2. Edward Hammond: Biopiracy continues: Some case studies and lessons for national ABS regulation (Confirmed)

3. Kazuo N. Watanabe: Potential Impact on Nagoya Protocol to Academic Research (Confirmed)

4. Chunlin Long: Investigation of Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plant Resources in Jingxi, Guangxi Automnous Region (Confirmed)

5. Fengchun Zhang: On Potential Values of Genetic Resources (Confirmed)

6. Jianyong Wu: The case studies on historical collection of Chinese plant species in some botanical gardens of USA and European countries (Confirmed)

7. Jing Xu: Considerations and Designation of National Administrative Process for China ABS (access and benefit Sharing) System after the entry into force of Nagoya Protocol (Confirmed)

8. Junnian Li: The investigation on genetic resources of domestic animals and poultry and traditional knowledge in Miao and tujia ethnic areas of West Hunan Province (Confirmed)

9. Fayao Li: The case study on benefit sharing for the local fragrant rice in Liping Dong EthnicCounty, Quizhou Province (Confirmed)

10. Jiuxuan ZHou and Siming Wang: A Case Study on Change and Its Causes of Agricultural Seed Resource Diversity in Hei’er Village, Yunnan Province (Confirmed)

11. Gong Cheng: On blueprint and route map for access and benefit sharing of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge (Confirmed)

12. Jingbiao Yang: A case study on benefit sharing for traditional ethnic medicine in Libo County,Guizhou Province (Confirmed)

13. Rong Dai: A case study on access and benefit sharing of a local pig variety (Black pig) in theWest Hunan Province (Confirmed)

14. Cheng Wang: A preliminary study on the ethical code of conduct for genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge in minority areas of China. (Confirmed)

15. Seizo Sumida: (Confirmed)


Session 11: Systems and Synthetic Biology of Industrial Microorganisms

  Organizers: 1) Yin Li, Professor, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed)

2) Han de Winde, Professor, Delft University of Technology, Kluyver Centre for Genomics of Industrial Fermentation, the Netherlands (Confirmed)

  Speakers: 1. Han de Winde: Yeast as a Modern Platform for Biofuels and Biochemicals Production (Confirmed)

2. Vera Meyer: Aspergillus niger as a Modern Platform for Protein Production (Confirmed)

3. Ronald de Vries: Physiological and Molecular Aspects of the Utilisation of Complex Substrates by Fungi (Confirmed)

4. Peter Bron: Lactic Acid Bacteria for Food and Fuel  (Confirmed)

5. Aljoscha Wahl: Novel developments in microbial Systems Biology approaches  (Confirmed)

6. Han de Winde: Systems Engineering of Solvent Tolerant Pseudomonas for Aromatics Production  (Confirmed)

7. Patricia Osseweijer: Bridging Current Issues in Science and Society, in Europe and China (Confirmed)

8. George Guo-Qiang: Synthetic and Systems Biology Approaches for Making Novel Biopolymers (Confirmed)

9. Wen Liu: Biological Synthesis of Pharmaceutically Important Agents in Microorganisms (Confirmed)

10. Chen Yang: Reconstruction of Sugar Utilization Pathways and Regulons in Solventogenic Clostridia  (Confirmed)

11. Jibin Sun: System Biology of Aspergillus niger – a Versatile Cell Factory for Enzyme and Organic Acid Production  (Confirmed)

12. Chaoguang Tian: Neurospora crassa as a Golden Model of Filamentous Fungi for Industrial Biotechnology  (Confirmed)

13. Yin Li: Systems Biotechnology for the Production of Bio-based Solvents  (Confirmed)

14. Lianhong Sun: Engineered Quorum Sensing Systems for Applications in Synthetic Biology (Confirmed)


Session 12: Nanobiology

  Organizers: 1) Lei Jiang, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed)

2) Xingyu Jiang, Professor, the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China (Confirmed) 

  Speakers: 1. Paresh Chandra Ray: Gold Nanotechnology for Biology (Confirmed)

2. Lianbing Zhang: Biological Uptake Pathway for Cellular Delivery of Nanomatherials (Confirmed)

3. Michael Wilson: Enhancement of the effectiveness of light-activated antimicrobial agents by gold nanoparticles (Confirmed)

4. Kibum Lee: Nanotechnology approaches for regulating cancer/stem cell fate (Confirmed)

5. Xiaogang Liu: Lanthanide-doped nanomaterials: synthesis and bioapplications (Confirmed)

6. Huan-Tsung Chang:DNA Functional Gold Nanoparticles for the Control of Enzyme Activity (Confirmed)

7. Shutao Wang: Bio-Inspired Adhesive Surface for Cell-Based Cancer Diagnostics (Confirmed)

8. Xingyu Jiang: Gold nanoparticles activates prodrugs as effective antibiotics against multidrug -resistant bacteria (Confirmed)


Session 13: Stem Cell and Reproductive Medicine

  Organizer: Duanqing Pei, Professor, Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed) 


Session 14: Gasotransmitters in Biology

  Organizers: 1) Guangdong Yang, Research Assistant Professor, the School of Kinesiology, Lakehead University, Canada

2) Yanxi Pei, Professor, Vice Dean of College of Life Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

  Speakers: 1. Hongzhu Li: Interaction of hydrogen sulfide and estrogen on smooth muscle cell proliferation (Confirmed)

2. Xin Liu: Gasotransmitters in stomatal movement of plant (Confirmed)

3. Shaowu Xue: CO2 signaling in Arabidopsis guard cells (Confirmed)

4. Hua Zhang: H2S in plants, the history is just beginning (Confirmed)

5. Weihua Zhang: Calcium sensing receptor regulates endogenous H2S to inhibit smooth muscle cell proliferation in diabetic rat (Confirmed)

6. Wenhao Zhang: Gas molecules and plant response to abitoc stress (Confirmed)

7. Guangdong Yang: How to promote longevity: let H2S count the way (Confirmed)

8. Yanxi Pei: Hydrogen sulfide alleviates cadmium toxicity in Arabidopsis thaliana (Confirmed)


Session 15: Biocomputation

  Organizers: 1) Jingdong Han, Professor, CAS-MPG Partner institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Confirmed)

2) John Jungck, Professor, Department of Biology, Beloit College, USA (Confirmed) 

  Speakers: 1. Peter Lockhart: How it is possible to better understand systematic error in phylogeneomic data (Confirmed)

2. Rubem Mondaini: The mathematical programming approach to protein structures and their stability (Confirmed)

3. Christopher Welsh: Fostering interdisciplinarity at the interface of biology and mathematics: lessons from a national institute (Confirmed)

4. John R. Jungck: Computational Geometric, Topological, and Spatial Statistical Analyses of Dividing Epithelia (Confirmed)

5. Michael Zhang: Novel Markov model of induced pluripotency predicts gene expression changes in reprogramming (Confirmed)

6. Philipp Khaitovich: Metabolome evolution of human tissues (Confirmed)

7. Yixue Li: Association network and related regulatory mechanism resulted from protein translational modification data  (Confirmed)

8. Yong Zhang: Global Nucleosome Repositioning During Genome Activation  (Confirmed)

9. Xia Li (Confirmed)

10. Yangdong Wang (Confirmed)

11. Jingdong Han (Confirmed)


Session 16: Bioethics/Biological Education

  Organizers: 1)John Buckeridge, Professor, School of Civil, Engineering & Chemical Engineer, RMIT University, Australia (Confirmed) 

2) Li Zhang, Associate Professor, College of Life Science, Beijing Normal University (Confirmed)

3)John Jungck, Professor, Department of Biology, Beloit College, USA (Confirmed)

4)  Enshan Liu, Professor, College of Life Science, Beijing Normal University (Confirmed)   

5) Margaret Waterman, Professor, Biology Department, Southeast Missouri State University, USA

6) Lorna Holtman, Deputy Dean, Zoology Department, University of the Western Cape (UWC), Republic of South Africa 

7)  Lily Rodriguez, Sede Servicio Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas Ministerio del Ambiente, Peru

8) Ethel Stanley, Director, BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium, Beloit College, USA

  Speakers: 1. John Buckeridge: Environmental ethics - global issues and an Australasian perspective (Confirmed)

2. Michael Atchia: Regional responses, both environmental and bioethical (Confirmed)

3. Hussein Salama: Environmental awareness and conservation of biological resources in Egypt (Confirmed)

4. Raymond Katebaka: Effective biodiversity conservation challenges in Africa: A case of East Africa (Confirmed)

5. Rachel Ankeny (Read by John Buckeridge): Current issues in bioethics in Australia (Read by John Buckeridge, Confirmed )

6. Lorna Holtman: On southern African issues (Confirmed)

7. Darryl Macer: SE Asia perspectives (Confirmed)

8. Aster L. Zhang: China perspectives (Confirmed)

9. Margaret Waterman: (Confirmed)

10. Ethel Stanley: (Confirmed)




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